Climate Pledge


I am concerned about the serious risks that climate change poses for present and future generations.

With my signature I agree to take the following actions:

vahenna I promise to do my best to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by me and to cut my personal climate footprint by half within ten years or faster. Sign now!
tavoite To achieve the target, I will pay attention to the climate footprint of my energy use, travelling, eating and consumption habits, electronic devices and household appliances as well as my financial savings. I will make low-carbon choices wherever possible. Calculate your CO2 footprint
offset I pledge to consider addressing my unavoidable climate footprint by offsetting emissions which I cannot reduce, to become climate neutral now. climateneutralnow

share I will share my experiences in making cleaner choices with my family, friends and colleagues and encourage them to sign the pledge, too.

By signing the Climate Pledge I’m sending a message to the decision makers, companies and to all levels of society, to implement ambitious policies and practices which prevent the harmful effects of climate change and to secure the living conditions of mankind, as promised in the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

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    The Signatories

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